Hampton (can’t be) caught at Hampton Court
On a cold but beautifully sunny February day, the re-arranged Yellowdot Christmas Cup once again took place at Hampton Court Palace Golf Club. With the course in remarkably good condition for the time of year, no excuses were permitted. All golfers were presented with ‘designer’ Yellowdot bobble-hats, the perfect headwear in such conditions as the picture above shows.
As predicted in the 2018 Golf Day report, 2019 was indeed the year that our perennial bridesmaid Jez Hampton finally became the bride and got his hands on the coveted trophy.
His 40 points was an impressive and ultimately comfortable winning total, a distance ahead of Jonny Young in second (33 points) and both Mike Leney and Tony O’Connor tied third (30 points each). The remainder of the field stretched back into the distance.
Our winner and runner-up collected more than their fair share of the additional prizes too, including the team event with their playing partner, debut boy Andy Saunders. Other prize-winners included Mike Leney (twice), and Mark Sykes who controversially won Nearest the Pin on the 17th after some dubious distance pacing-out denied the host his moment of glory.
The Champagne Moment was awarded to Geoff Snell for his heroics as official buggy driver for the day, particularly when rescuing a stranded Tim Leney who’s electric trolley had capitulated early on. This left him facing four hours of lugging around a very heavy bag – not that this kind act inspired his game, eh Tim?
Many thanks to all golfers for their efforts, and to Hampton Court Palace Golf Club who staged an excellent day and looked after us royally.